发布时间:2019/8/25 | 作者:无痕君 | 编辑:LNT

 1.4 赏鸟历史


赏鸟(又称观鸟),是指在户外环境下,用肉眼或借助望远镜、照相机等设备,观察野生状态下鸟类的户外运动。戴维·斯考特(David Scott) 认为赏鸟者是“在野生鸟类的活动与栖息地,在不影响它们正常生活的前提下观察、欣赏并且记录它们的各种特征与行为的人”。在英国及比较正式的称呼为“Bird watching”,北美及比较口语化的使用中,又称为“Birding”,是欧美发达国家中非常流行的一种知识性、趣味性户外休闲运动。


Gilbert White1720-1793吉尔伯特·怀特

(Born July 18, 1720, Selborne, Hampshire, Eng.—died June 26, 1793, Selborne), English naturalist and clergyman, author of The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne (1789), the first work on natural history to attain the status of an English classic.


John James Audubon (1785–1851) 约翰·詹姆斯·奥杜邦

Was an American ornithologist, naturalist and artist known for his studies and detailed illustrations of North American birds.John James Audubon was born on April 26, 1785, in Les Cayes, Saint Domingue, Hispaniola (a former French colony; now Haiti). Audubon conducted his first scientific studies from his father's Pennsylvania estate. After trying and failing in several different types of business ventures, he concentrated on drawing and studying birds, and began traveling around the country to pursue this work.

He got his extraordinary four-volume Birds of America published in London in 1827 and followed it up with several related works. He died in New York City in 1851.


英国皇家鸟类保护协会Royal Society for the Protection of Birds,简称RSPB18892月年成立于曼彻斯特,总部设在英国,是欧洲最大的野生动物保护组织,拥有超过100万名成员。


国家奥杜邦学会National Audubon Society)是美国的一个非赢利性民间环保组织,成立于1886年的马萨诸塞州。该组织以美国著名画家、博物学家奥杜邦来命名,希望通过科学、倡导、教育和地面保护,为每周鸟类提供安全空间。1900年,奥杜邦成员弗兰克·查普曼(Frank M. Chapman)首次发起了圣诞节鸟计数活动,以反对当时流行的圣诞节狩猎野鸟活动。1998年奥杜邦学会组织的“后院赏鸟计数日”活动,全美范围内的参加公众达到了惊人的14000人。


Roger Tory Peterson1908-1996罗杰·特里·彼得森


   Roger Tory Peterson born and raised in Jamestown, New York, Roger Tory Peterson became the premier artist-naturalist of his time. He is best known for his pioneering field guides. The first – A Field Guide to the Birds, published in 1934 – sparked a worldwide movement to connect people with nature as never before. Peterson authored and illustrated dozens of guides – for birds, plants, insects and other natural flora and fauna – selling millions of copies and becoming an international ambassador for protecting our natural resources.   

In 1980, he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor. Today, an ever-expanding list of Peterson Guides, continue to be the go-to resource for professional and amateur naturalists all over the world.Dr. Peterson believed that the key to solving environmental problems is to know the plants and animals and their complex interactions, and understand our dependence upon them. He wrote:

“The philosophy that I have worked under most of my life is that the serious study of natural history is an activity which has far-reaching effects in every aspect of a person’s life. It ultimately makes people protective of the environment in a very committed way. It is my opinion that the study of natural history should be the primary avenue for creating environmentalists.”    



1.5 观鸟收获

Why Watch Birds


Birds have long delighted people all over the world because of their beauty and their power of

flight.Birds are everywhere,and everywhere they are different.Birds are mysterious,beautiful,and sometimes wonderfully elusive(捉摸不定).Historically,they used to be considered omens(预兆).The ancient Romans believed that the flights and calls of birds could foretell the future.

Today,modern science still used birds as a kind of oracle.Changes in bird populations can reflect the health of the environment.Birding also fulfills another basic instinct(直觉)——the quest for knowledge.Birding is about acquiring knowledge.Not just about birds names,but also about their songs,their behavior,and how they relate to the rest of nature.Its a perfect opportunity to enjoy a unique human pleasure——the successful exercise of love.In fact,amateur(业余) birders often get to make real contributions to scientific knowledge.Today,much of what ornithology(鸟类学) knows about birds has come from the observations of ordinary but dedicated birders.

Maybe we watch birds because they are accessible(无障碍的):wherever we go,birds are there,usually active while we are active,sleeping while we sleep.In our own backyards,we lure them with birdfeeders and birdhouses,and by placing shrubs(灌木丛),water,and appropriate plants in the landscape.More than any creature except perhaps insects,birds visibly share our outdoor space,and if we have to travel miles and sit quietly for patient hours in order to see a rare or elusive bird,that makes it a treasure hunt(寻宝之旅).

You will see the same type of bird in varied locations,but the birds will be different.Birds are beautiful. Their brilliant hues offer a companion to their color vision.Birds flash past in every shade from emerald(祖母绿) to vermillion(朱红色),beautiful as show flower blossoms but usually more surprising.An endless variety of patterns,shapes,and sizes delight us.Even the common crow has a lovely sheen(光泽) and certain elegance.Yes,birds are an awesome part of life——how could we not watch birds?

Bird watching in FUN!It gives you a great excuse to leave your television or cellphone behind and venture to head out into the elements.Need a good reason to head out an go for a walk?Bring along your binoculars.It provides a healthy activity that just about anyone can enjoy.You dont need good knees like skiing.You dont even need to be able to venture beyond your own backyard.Birdfeeders placed on windowsills allow individuals with limited to enjoy birds with little or no effort.

As weve said,birds can be fascinating creatures.If youve never watched them before,just try for a few moments in the early morning light.Look at how they soar through the air.Listen to their morning songs.You can find great peace and great enlightenment(启示) in birds.How would you be able to truly enjoy these creatures unless you watched them?Its time to get started in bird watching!

    1.6 全球赏鸟


在现代赏鸟运动发源地英国,最初的赏鸟行为,只用来象征有钱有闲阶层的高雅趣味,而目前户外赏鸟已经成为发达国家的公众休闲运动,并推动了更远距离的生态赏鸟旅行。目前世界赏鸟旅游市场主要集中在欧洲、北美洲、日本和澳洲等发达国家,据调查 ,年收入超过50000 美元时,就开始产生国际旅游。

2001年, 第一届世界观鸟节在全球88个国家举办了1450项活动, 吸引了逾30万人参与;在拥有超过一百万名会员的英国皇家鸟类保护协会(RSPB),该协会2011年举办的“后院赏鸟”活动,就有超过60万人参与。

美国的每个州都有自己的赏鸟协会,很多城市也有自己的相关组织。据2006年统计资料显示,美国有7100万赏鸟者,约占美国人口总数22%。其中38%为外出赏鸟者(Away from home birders),88%为庭院赏鸟者(Backyard birding),两者有交叉;赏鸟旅行的群体中,中老年、高收入、高学历和女性占较大比例。美国赏鸟者2011年在设备和旅行上的开销达410亿美元,行业产值约1070亿美元,提供了66.6万份工作和310亿美元的就业收入。



1 《中国鸟类野外手册》 约翰·马敬能等著 湖南教育出版社 2000 观鸟必读

2 《东亚鸟类野外手册》 马克·布拉齐尔等著 北京大学出版社2019观鸟必读

3 《野外观鸟手册》 赵欣如等著 化学工业出版社2015常见鸟类,便于携带

4 《我的第一本观鸟日记》 廖晓东等著 新世纪出版社 2013适合菜鸟

5 《鸟类行为图鉴》 多米尼克·卡曾斯著 湖南科学技术出版社 2020角度新颖

6 《奇趣野鸟图鉴》 富士鹰茄子著 天津人民美术出版社 2013手绘精确

7 《鸟有膝盖吗》 斯蒂芬·莫斯著 北京联合出版公司 2018生动全面

8 《探寻鸟乐园》 袁孝维等著 福建科学技术出版社 2017图文精美,入门之选


1 《迁徙的鸟》 2001法国纪录片 豆瓣9.1  IMDb7.9

2 《飞跃地球》 2011英国BBC纪录片 豆瓣9.4  IMDb8.5

3 《鸭之物语》 2012美国PBS 纪录片

4 《帝企鹅日记》 2005法国纪录片 豆瓣8.7  IMDb7.5

5 《野鸟世界》 1998英国BBC纪录片 豆瓣9.3  IMDb8.9

6 《观鸟大年》 2011美国二十世纪福克斯剧情片 豆瓣7.6 IMDb6.2

7 《美国鸟类》 2008美国Plum公司剧情片 豆瓣7.0  IMDb6.1

8 《电报山上的野鹦鹉》 2005美国纪录片 豆瓣8.8  IMb7.8

9 《给我翅膀》 2019法国剧情片  豆瓣8.7  IMDb 7.3





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